May 282012

Catching up with my digital reading, I just finished the latest story arc in the BATMAN:  ARKHAM UNHINGED saga and I wanted to share with you guys:

  • Writer: Derek Fridolfs
  • Arist:   Gabe Eltaeb

BATMAN: ARKHAM CITY UNHINGED #26:  When Penguin’s assassin fails to kill Joker, the bird is looking for someone to finish the job. Deadshot is ready to fill that position…if he can meet Penguin’s (murderously) high standards!




BATMAN: ARKHAM CITY UNHINGED #27:  Deadshot pleads his case to Penguin as to why he should be the next member of his team. Can Deadshot’s dramatic tale of a horrific childhood buy his way on to Penguin’s team…and into his armory. (Joker does not appear in this issue)


BATMAN: ARKHAM CITY UNHINGED #28:  They say that all’s fair in love and war…and in the gang war between Penguin and Joker, you’ll never believe how Deadshot is used to pull a fast one–but on who?!



May 262012


BASED FROM THE ART OF BRIAN BOLLAND SCULPTED BY BRIAN FAY From Brian Bolland, the artist behind the definitive Joker tale BATMAN: THE KILLILNG JOKE, comes the latest entry in the acclaimed “Batman: Black and White” series. Using the monochromatic tones synonymous with the line, this statue is a much-anticipated tribute to the Clown Prince of Crime. Inspired from the cover of BATMAN: LEGENDS OF THE DARK KNIGHT #50

Statue measures 9” high x 4.75” wide x 6.25” deep. $79.95 US • On Sale September 5, 2012 *Allocations May Occur


May 262012

DC announced that their new animated project will be an adaptation of Frank Miller’s 1986 master graphic novel THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS.  The company also announced that they have casted PETER WELLER (Robocop) to voice the Dark Knight, which leaves the question….who could be a good choice to voice the Joker in the story?  I’m dying to know and  I hope that they do make a good choice as the latest voice choices have been in my humble opinion, to put it nicely…less than appropiate for the character.  (Though I have to admit I loved Joe DiMaggio’s voice acting in Under the Red Hood)

Here is DC’s original report and some previews of the animation project:


RoboCop star Peter Weller provide the voice of Batman in Warner Bros.’ animated adaptation of The Dark Knight Returns, the seminal 1986 miniseries by Frank Miller and Klaus Janson, Heat Vision reports. Ariel Winter (Modern Family) will play Robin.

First rumored about a year ago, and then officially announced in July at Comic-Con International, the direct-to-video adaptation will be released in two parts under the DC Comics Premiere Movie banner, which apparently will replaced the five-year-old DC Universe Animated Original Movies. Batman: The Dark Knight Rises, Part 1 will debut in the fall, with Part 2 arriving in early 2013.

Weller and Winter will be joined by veteran actor David Selby (Dark Shadows), Wade Williams (Prison Break) as Two-Face/Harvey Dent, and Michael McKean as Dr. Wolper, the psychiatrist who releases the Joker from the asylum.

The films are directed by Jay Oliva, who not only storyboarded Zack Snyder’s Man of Steel, but also helmed Green Lantern: Emerald Knights and several episodes of Cartoon Network’s Young Justice. Oliva also has in his corner exectuive producer Bruce Timm, who has overseen most of DC’s animated projects since Batman: The Animated Series.

Dark Knight Returns is the granddaddy of beloved comics properties that we’ve ever attempted [to adapt],” Timm said. “There is definitely the imperative to get it right.”

Set a decade after an aging Bruce Wayne quit crimefighting in the wake of Jason Todd’s death, The Dark Knight Returns brings Batman out of retirement to save Gotham from sinking deeper into decay and lawlessness. With the help of a new, female Robin, Carrie Kelly, the Dark Knight ends the threat of the mutant gangs that have overrun the city and confronts two of his greatest enemies. But then he must face his former ally Superman in a battle that only one will survive.

Here are some previews:


(Originally reported (iincluding pics)  by TJ Dietsch for CBR’s SPINOFF ONLINE)

And just in case you have not read the graphic novel (shame on you), please visit your nearest  comic book store and buy a copy.  It is a great read.  More information on the graphic novel available at Wikipeida HERE

May 262012

CBR‘s Staff writer Jeffrey Renaud, has posted a very nice interview with CHIP KIDD discussing his new graphic novel DEATH BY DESIGN, out next week on comic book shops around the US.  Here is the interview along with a small preview.


SPOILER WARNING: The following interview discusses specific events and plot points from “Batman: Death by Design”

With “Batman: Death By Design,” seminal graphic designer Chip Kidd lives out his childhood dream as the writer of his very own Batman story. Kidd, a life-long fan of Bob Kane’s creation, has worked extensively with DC Comics over the years, most recently designing covers for “All-Star Batman and Robin,” “All-Star Superman” and “Final Crisis.” 

It was his turn as interviewer, in 2009 at 92Y, when Kidd joined Neil Gaiman on stage for a 90-minute discussion about “Sandman” in celebration of the landmark series’ 20th anniversary that led Kidd to writing the 104-page original graphic novel, which arrives in comic book stores on May 30.   

Hearing Kidd’s unrestrained passion for Batman and comics in general during the candid conversation, DC Comics Co-Publisher, then DC Executive Editor, Dan DiDio offered him the project on the spot. Kidd, praying it wasn’t some kind of joke, agreed and started the process, in earnest, shortly thereafter.

Kidd, who is also credited as publication designer on “Death by Design,” joined forces with Mark Chiarello, DC’s award winning Vice President of Art Direction & Design, and British artist Dave Taylor (“Batman: Shadow of the Bat,” “Batman & Superman: World’s Finest”) to create a story Pulitzer Prize winner Michael Chabon (“The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay”) says “unites fandoms — comics, classic B&W films, architecture, design — like a conqueror unifying thrones.”

Set in the 1930s, “Death by Design” explores Gotham as it undergoes one of the most expansive construction booms in the city’s history. Inspired by two real world events — the demolition of the original Pennsylvania Station in 1963 and the fatal construction crane collapses in midtown Manhattan of 2008 — Kidd asks what if, despite the years separating the incidents, they were somehow connected? And what if they happened in Gotham City, during a glorious golden age when a caped crusader protected its streets?

CBR News: I won’t reveal how or why this question appears in “Death by Design” but what are you doing here?

Chip Kidd: [Laughs] I have been using that as the opening line in my lectures recently. Look, it’s a basic philosophical question that we could all ask ourselves every single day. It’s really about, “What are you accomplishing?” And “What are you going to leave behind?” Basically, “Are you doing something constructive with your life?” I forget why it occurred to me to include it in the book, but like I said, I think it’s something that we should constantly be asking ourselves.

You’re credited as the writer of “Death By Design,” but obviously you played a role in the book artistically, as well, as the publication designer. Can you describe your collaborations with Mark Chiarello and Dave Taylor?

Technically, I was the art director. I very much had a vision about how I wanted the whole thing to look and the milieu that it was supposed to be set. Mark Chiarello was amazing. He really stepped back and just let me go. He would then give suggestions, and almost always they were good suggestions. Even with a couple of the plot lines, he really helped out a lot.

For Dave Taylor, I would find visual references for the way I wanted it to look and I would send them to him. And he would send drawings back. That was our process. The overall look and feel of it, as I hope is evident, is supposed to look like the great, old 1930s’ Batman movie that was never made. Certainly, it is part Fritz Lang’s “Metropolis,” part Elia Kazan’s “On the Waterfront” and part “The Fountainhead” by Ayn Rand.

The good thing about not really knowing what you are doing is figuring out how to do it. There are many different ways to write a comic book script. For me, as a visual person, I wanted to give him basic page layouts, where I would break down how many panels were on a page and their configuration. For the most part, he was really cool with that because it did some of the work for him. And there were times he would suggest different layouts for very specific reasons and he was always right.

The book is heavily shaded in pencils, no inks, with only splashes of color throughout it to highlight certain scenes or specific characters. How did you land on these types of decisions?

Like I said, I wanted it to feel like a great, old black and white film from the mid-to-late 1930s. At first, I really strictly wanted it black and white, but Dave sent me some color suggestions, which were subtle things we could do to enhance the mood. The street lights of Gotham have this sort of peachy glow to them. During the day, the sunlight is kind of blue. Dave totally convinced me that it was the right way to go. It just gives you enough to take you in and out of day and night. And more importantly, I think it’s very beautiful. And it helps the narrative. It evolved over time. The whole thing is pencil on paper. He scans it in and then puts in some lighting and coloring effects. For Dave, it really was his show. It’s not like we had a penciler and an inker and a colorist. It was all him.

Part of the appeal of this project must have been developing the concepts for the new architecture of 1930s’ Gotham City. Highlights for me included the humpback whale inspired railway station and the mini-maximalist nightclub, known as The Ceiling —

A lot of that is me just having fun and becoming a fantasy architect. There is no such thing as mini-maximalism or maxi-minimalism, or at least not that I am aware of. Early on, Cyndia Syl praises the Wayne Central Station because it’s “the single best example of patri-monumental modernism in America.” And that’s also gobbledygook, fake architectural speak. It’s patri-monumental modernism as in his father built it. But while it was all fun, I consulted with a lot of architects who have built skyscrapers in New York City to find out what it takes to get something built. There is a lot of real stuff here too.

The Ceiling was one of the few ideas that I have been harboring for years. And I really wanted to see it in a Batman story. Again, it is like something you might find in a Busby Berkeley movie that never happened because it’s just too literally over the top. The whale station, again, that was Dave pulling one of his miracles. I wrote all that into the script, “Thousands of commuters, each day transformed into Jonah himself, swallowed by the leviathan of mass transitional vortex. Only to emerge again, spat out onto the very sidewalk of their destinations, their faith in a mobile society restored.” But Dave’s the one that had to figure out what that was going to look like. It was completely up to him.

Batman is almost as famous for his gadgets as he is for his rogues. In this story, you were able to add a few new devices to the utility belt like the Grapple-Tron and the impact neutralizer. Does it get any better than that?

That was an incredible amount of fun. But I also wanted to invent a bunch of characters to put my personal stamp on the story, too. I loved this idea of a designer/villain who is not really a villain but more of a provocateur. He seems to come and go at will and how is he doing that? And why is he doing that? I think the best Batman villains work because you know why they are doing what they are doing. They have a reason for what they are doing.

Originally, my outline and proposal did not have The Joker in it. Chiarello said, “This is fine, but don’t you want to use any of the classic villains?” I said, “Am I allowed to?” Because one does not assume. And he said, “Sure.” I thought, “I may never get this opportunity again,” so I had to go for The Joker. And then I had to figure out a reason for him to be there with the other characters. And then I couldn’t resist a cameo of the classic Penguin at the end. Who knows, if I had more pages, I may have had The Riddler in there, too. [Laughs]

Speaking of The Riddler, when “Death By Design” was first announced, you said you were approaching the project as a problem-solving exercise? Is that how Batman would do it ,or is that all Chip Kidd?

Everything is a design problem to me. Getting up in the morning is a design problem. [Laughs] Certainly, I wanted the story to be that too. I wanted it to be a classic mystery. Why is this happening? Why are the cranes coming down? Who is this Exacto person? I love the device of a reporter that is also trying to figure out. He’s a reporter that was really not intending to be assigned this story in the first place. He’s an architectural critic not an investigative reporter so that becomes an interesting situation too.

But again, I really wanted this to be a detective story. Obviously, you have to have — if you want it to be a successful Batman story — some sort of fisticuffs going on. You have to have an action element. The destruction of the building does seem inevitable. And I wasn’t going to shy away from that. But it’s not an ultra-violent rage fest either. That’s really not what I am interested in. I wanted something that looked at some of the more nuanced aspects of living in a big, major city in the 1930s that would have this character living in it too.

I highly enjoyed your take on Bruce Wayne/Batman as opposed to the brooding/sometimes psychotic Frank Miller-inspired Dark Knight version of the character that we so often see. Is this version your preference ,or were you simply more comfortable writing him in this style?   

I was very conscious of that for several reasons. I love that in the very first original stories — from “Detective Comics” #27 up till #31 or #32, when Robin came on the scene — Batman was sort of like a gentleman adventurer. “My, my, you all seem very agitated that I’m here.” It was that sort of thing. I love the idea that Batman is to the manner born. He doesn’t hide the fact that he is a very well-born guy that, in his own weird way, has manners. In that way, Batman can look very elegant. In the penultimate scene at the end of the first half, he’s not this crazed, raged out guy, he is looking at getting to the bottom of what’s going on. At that point, it’s the union boss that completely freaks out and loses it. I also couldn’t resist the idea of getting caught in one’s own death trap. I think that’s a really fascinating concept.

I hope you or Dave Taylor don’t take offense to this either, but Batman is kind of pretty in this book, isn’t he?

I have no problem with that. He’s still masculine or what have you, but the Bruce Wayne look was based very much on classic Montgomery Clift in the films.

As we discuss the attractiveness of your leading men, Garnett Greenside is a pretty handsome guy, too, if not vaguely familiar —

Yes. [Laughs] But I don’t think he’s too handsome. I wrote myself into it. It’s that whole I may never get this kind of opportunity again, so therefore, I am going to put myself into it. And as the villain, no less.

Is Garnett Greenside the villain?

Not really. But he is willing to trick Bart Loar into basically killing himself. And if that’s going to take Batman and Richard Frank with him, then so be it. He’s very practical that way. I love the whole Batman I shall not kill. The moral code is great, and I think it creates many interesting instances of dramatic tension because you have all of these other characters that would just kill somebody if that’s what needs to happen. Actually, that’s the big problem that I have with a lot of the Marvel characters. With them, a moral code doesn’t seem to exist.

In that sense, it’s not that Exacto is really a villain, but he’ll do what needs to get done in order to arrive at the solution that he wants to arrive at.

I loved writing that scene where there is this back and forth between Batman and Exacto, where Batman ultimately says, “Think about what you are doing. It’s murder.” And Exacto says, “It’s not murder. It’s assisted suicide.” This guy set all this up and he’s trapped in it now. “I am just helping him kill himself.” Then Batman has the classic line: “He should be tried in a court of law.” And Exacto says, “No. They tried that already. He’d just buy his way out of it again. Or threaten to have the jurors’ children disappear or order the judge’s car blown up.”

To what extent does this vigilante thing go? I love that Batman/Bruce Wayne still believes that you can not willingly take a life in this way. You just don’t do that no matter what the other person did. In that sense, Batman sees Exacto as less of a villain and more as an adversary. But I think he would also be very intrigued by him.

I would like to think that if this story was to progress, you ultimately would get these Batman/Exacto team-ups where they would investigate various, different things. Exacto would get a little over his head, and Batman would have to save him. Or it would be the other way around.

That’s partly why Bruce Wayne hires him at the end. He thinks this guy is a really interesting mind and wants to pursue that.

“Death by Design” written by Chip Kidd with art by Dave Taylor, arrives May 30.

(article originally posted by Jeffrey Renaud at CBR HERE)

May 172012

WB, in an effort to promote the last installment of the Nolan Batman trilogy, has organized appearances of the Tumbler and Batpod all over the US (well, almost everywhere.  Like expected, they missed FLA altogether as I’m sure they missed other important states).  Anyways, here is a list of the cities that will have the two Bat-vehicles.  Mind you…more cities might be added later.

The 2012 Tumbler Tour (red dates have already passed)

5/12 Bentonville, AR

5/15 Tulsa, OK

5/19 Overland Park, KS

5/21 Kansas City,  MO

5/23 St. Louis, MO

5/25 Chicago, IL

5/27 Washington, DC

5/28 Baltimore, MD

5/30 Philadelphia, PA

6/1 Buffalo, NY

6/7 Toronto Canada

6/10 Montreal Canada

6/12 Purchase, NY

6/13 Columbus, OH

6/15 Lansing, MI

6/16 Detroit, MI

6/17 Brooklyn, MI

6/19 Indianapolis, IN

6/21 Nashville, TN

6/22 Knoxville, TN

6/23 Atlanta, GA

6/25 Dallas, TX

6/27 San Antonio, TX

6/29 El Paso, TX

7/1 Albuquerque, NM

7/2 Phoenix, AZ

7/7 Santa Clarita, CA

7/12-7/15 San Diego, CA

7/20-7/22 Los Angeles, CA

7/27-7/28 Orange County, CA


May 172012

dcuniverseonline_jokerwallpaperStaff writer for CBR, Steve Sunu has shared an interested piece of information for all Mark Hamill fans and Jokerholics of the world.  In a news post he reported:


Still craving Mark Hamill’s trademark Joker stylings after finishing “Batman: Arkham City?” Have no fear — “DC Universe Online” has everything covered. The Massively Multiplayer Online game based on the DC Comics universe has announced a new downloadable content pack entitled “The Last Laugh,” which sees Hamill reprise his role as the Clown Prince of Crime. Joining Hamill is Arleen Sorkin as Harley Quinn, who voiced the character for the entirety of “Batman: The Animated Series,” and Adam Baldwin as Superman, reprising his role in both “DCU Online” and “Superman/Doomsday.”

Here is the official press release:

The battle between heroes and villains inDC Universe™ Online (DCUO) continues as Sony Online Entertainment LLC(SOE) today announced that The Last Laugh,  the fourth downloadable content (DLC) pack for DCUO, will be available in June for download on the PC and PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system. The Last Laugh will pit players against each other in high-intensity multiplayer brawls, feature an all-new weapon, and introduce new Light-Powered Legends PvP characters.

“We created this DLC purely for the players that like to take the fight to each other in DCUO’s amazing PvP combat,” said Jens Andersen, creative director on DC Universe Online. “Our community has continuously asked for more multiplayer action in DCUO, and we wanted to deliver content that fully meets their expectations and pushes PvP to another level. The Last Laugh is the first DLC that we’ve created that focuses almost entirely on player versus player battles, and it adds an exciting new element as some of DC’s greatest heroes and villains join to fight alongside you. Players will have even more opportunities to prove to the world whether heroes or villains will be triumphant.”

The Last Laugh will include an all-new weapon, hours of multiplayer gameplay in the Safe Houses and Headquarters, and new Legends PvP characters:

  • The Shield – Players can unleash this vicious new weapon to bash their opponents, or hurl it to take them down from a distance.
  • Safe House Battles – No one is safe now that heroes and villains can invade each other’s Safe Houses in these four on four battles.Headquarter Battles – In this two-part crusade, 16 players – eight heroes and eight villains – will face off for the ultimate player reward. At the request of Superman, heroes must take over the Hall of Doom, while villains, egged on by The Joker, will breach the Watchtower in order to create chaos.
    • Graviton Technology Recovery – Players will be tasked with unscrambling teleporter codes that The Joker has mixed into fragments. Located at the Watchtower or Hall of Doom, players must retrieve eight code fragments to successfully rebuild useable teleporter codes.
    • The Rescue – Heroes must rescue hostages, while Villains will be freeing arrested criminals from opposing Safe Houses.
    • Bomb Disposal – Thanks to The Joker, the encryption on the Email terminals has changed and can only be bypassed by the robot he provided. Players must gain control of the robot and either upload the data to their HQ or add new encryption to keep their enemies and The Joker away from it.
  • Legends Characters – Combat illuminates with the introduction of the first light-powered Legends for multiplayer combat. Players will soon have access to Kilowog, a Green Lantern, and Amon Sur, a member of the Sinestro Corps.

DCUO’s The Last Laugh DLC pack will be accessible for free for the game’s Legendary members and available for purchase for Free and Premium players via the PlayStation®Network in-game Marketplace, and on the PC via the website.

DCUO is licensed by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment on behalf of DC Entertainment. For more information about DCUO, visit

About DC Universe Online Lex Luthor has traveled back through time with news of a dire future: While the heroes and villains spent years battling amongst themselves, Brainiac has been feeding on their powers, building strength to return to Earth and destroy humanity. To change the future, Lex has come back to set off a device that bestows super powers to thousands of every-day citizens and give humanity a fighting chance. Can Brainiac be stopped, or is this another nefarious Lex Luthor plot?

For the first time, players and fans will be able to enter the DC Universe as an active force for good or evil. A massively multiplayer experience, DC Universe Online delivers unparalleled high-energy, physics-powered combat that brings the player’s extraordinary powers to life.

DC Universe Online was created in the artistic vision of legendary comic book artist Jim Lee, and set within a world created by famous DC writers including Geoff Johns and Marv Wolfman.

Rated T for Teen with Mild Blood, Mild Language, Mild Suggestive Themes and Violence, DC Universe Online is available for PC and PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system. DCUO Legendary access will be available for a $14.99 monthly fee.

Here are some screen shots of the downloadable material as provided by CBR

May 112012

I would like to take a little detour from my usual Jokercentric ramblings to speak about the AVENGERS MOVIE.

WOW!  At first, I wondered how they could make a movie with so many characaters and still give them all some meaningful screen time that added to the plot.  I mean, there is Fury, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Thor, Ironman, Hulk, Agent Coulson,  not to mention LOKI and his army and an array of supportive actors while there is only 2 hours and 30 minutes of movie.  IMPOSSIBLE RIGHT?


Joss Whedon did an amazing work with the story and screenplay, allowing each of the characters to weave themselves into the plot in a way that flowed naturally.  Each character takes the spotlight, like well choreographed fireworks, shining on details that have made them memorable (Fury’s commanding presence, Tony Stark complete disregard of authority while overflowingwith heroism, Captain America’s patriotism while searching for what it means to be a hero in a world so alien to him (without being cheesy), just to name a few). All while adding to the plot like threads add to the fabric.

But this could not have been accomplished if there was nothing to bring these heroes together because in the movies as in literature, heroes have to have something  to forge their character. A Yin to their Yang…a villain. And here  is LOKI, the vengeful (and may I add) psychotic demigod from Asgard magnificently played by Tom Hiddleston.


Most villains are hard to write while keeping them real.  It is easier to write them flat and unidimensional;  monsters or buffoons.  Either extreme takes the menacing aspect from the villain, makes the plot weak, and the heroes just unrealistically heroic. That is why only a few villains transcend the page or the screen. Where would Moriarty, Dr. Doom, Joker, and Magneto be if they would have been carelessly written?  Good villains embody not only evil, but highlight that side of us that we would like to keep in the shadows. They are mad, but they are human too (or demigod in this case).  They are evil, but they are in a sense…they are like us and that is what makes them scary.

This is another thing in which I think Mr. Whedon excelled.  Loki’s character was (in my humble opinion)  magnificently written.  From the Thor movie we knew that Loki was still alive and not happy.  He felt displaced, humilliated, defeated by mortals and his spoiled half brother.  And we know he was not going to just quit because he knew he was destined for some greater purpose.

But before he gets the spotlight, he’s going to to take on those that have done him wrong. Loki’s anger turns into vengeance, then slowly morphs into obsession to finally become madness. He is willing to sacrifice it all to show everybody his greatness. And that, like with every villain, is his downfall.  He plays the heroes and is played upon in a clash of opposing forces that leaves us wondering what is really going through Loki’s mind.  What is his ultimate goal? Can our heroes defeat a god?

I laughed, gasped, held my breath, sighed in relief and even shed a tear, all in just 2 and a half hours.  That is what good movies are made of, and this movie has it all.

I’m not going to give spoilers here.  There are plenty of sites where you can get those, but I will tell you that the movie is definitely worth watching, at least once.  It is good entertainment, and lots of fun, while keeping a good quality of storytelling without  becoming cheesy or ridiculous. Go to the movies and enjoy the two and half hours that will leave you yearning for more avengers, while satisfying your inner child dreams of superheroes and supervillains.

Oh, and before I forget…remember to stay in the theaters until after the credits so you can see what’s in store for the Avengers.  Really want to know that bad? Ok, because you asked….THANOS

May 062012

I know this is no Joker related, but I think is news worth passing on.

If you didn’t get a copy from your local comic book shop (and shame on you because it was a FREE copy), you missed a fun little issue.  Several artists collaborated with Geoff Johns in bringing up what seems like a little taste of things to come (more than I was able to gather, that was sure)  The magnificent guys as CBR have dissected the teases and clues for you all fans. First, take a look at the first five pages I bring out to you…



and Jim Lee’s nice double spread


And here is a preview of the complete analysis made by the guys at COMIC BOOK RESOURCES.

The issue opens with a mysterious group of eight god-like character with Shazam-like trappings (depicted by Joe Prado) — likely the “Circle of Eternity” the Phantom Stranger referred to in “Justice League” #6. Although Geoff Johns and Gary Frank’s “Shazam” backups in “Justice League” have yet to introduce this mysterious council, their presence and actions in DC’s Free Comic Book Day issue suggest the former Captain Marvel’s role in the New 52 will be far, far larger and integral than before the relaunch.


  For their complete report go to their site and read the article  THE SECRETS OF DC’s FREE COMIC BOOK DAY ISSUE

Apr 162012

Hey Gang,

You all probably know that with the success of LEGO BATMAN in 2009, a sequel was just a matter of time.  Well, wait no more.  It’s official, LEGO BATMAN 2:  DC SUPER HEROES is scheduled for release on the Summer of 2012 for XBOX 360, PS3, Wii, PC, 3DS and VITA platforms.


The premise is simple:  Joker and Luthor, team up to take Gotham down.  Now Batman must ally himself with Superman to take them down.  Here is the trailer, courtesy of DC COMICS.