Nov 202011

It’s time for another JOKER’S FUNHOUSE HIGHLIGHT Jokerholics!!

DC has produced 2 different animation maquettes from the BATMAN ANIMATED SERIES and the NEW BATMAN ADVENTURES respectively and of the two, this is the one I like most.  I like it so much that I had to pass on getting the other maquette just to get a hold of this one.

What is it I like most of this maquette?  Those expressive eyes, ready to unleash chaos like no other but with a large smile. How could you not at least smile…while you die when you see those eyes?  The second version of the animated Joker I think lost a lot when they made the eyes black, his skin blue and simplified the face features.  When I see this particular maquette, I can imagine Mark Hamill making the faces that had made this Joker a classic.  Here is your info on the maquette, pictures are provided at the bottom of the article.

The Animated Series reinvented the Dark Knight’s famed Rogues’ Gallery, reimagining that motley crew of villains in a new light. The Joker takes perverse joy in wreaking havoc upon the innocents of Gotham City, cackling with glee at the terror he creates!

  • DC Direct relase date: January 2004
  • Classic Animation Series
  • Limited-edition, hand-painted cold-cast porcelain maquette  (1400 statues produced)
  • Sculpted by: John G Matthews
  • Measures approximately 9 1/2″ tall x 4 1/4″ wide x 4 1/4″ deep
  • Includes a full color Certificate of Authenticity
  • Packaged in a 4-color box.


Nov 202011

The pictures below are from the Eden Hotel in Kaohsiung City, Taiwan where the owners of the chain have really outdone themselves by creating a hotel room for every batfan out there. While it’s not quite a Batcave, it’s probably the closest thing we’ll get to the actual lair.

The only downfall is that it costs roughly $50 per 3-hours but we think it’s well worth it! Just imagine watching all your favorite Batman adaptations with your special loved one, girlfriend, or all alone from your own little Batpod.

Anyways check out these incredible photos and let us know what you think. Is it well worth the $50/3 hours or just some smart people trying to lure us fans in for some sweet cash.



OK, Now that you have a Batman Room….


Hurry, before the Clown loses his sense of humor and makes a joke on you!

What would the Joker Room should look like…hmmm… any ideas???





Nov 202011

Hiya all.  Just another one of those silly 10 greatest’s list, this time dedicated to the 10 GREATEST BATMAN VILLAINS OF ALL TIMES copilated by our friends at NEWSARAMA.  It is not a surprise that our favorite psycho clown made #1 on this list (as he has always done) but it has surprise me to see some names in it that I thought fans had forgotten about.  Here is the list in detail with some personal comments in some members of this prestigious roster:

#10:    Hush

  • Now, I was really surprised  to see Hush so low in this list.  I expected that Tommy Elliott’s knowledge of Batman’s identity, his close relationship with Bruce and his family, plus the storylines of  HUSH and HEART OF HUSH had proven this was a baddie tough to contend with and very dangerous to Batman and Co. Definitely expected to see him higher in the list, but I guess that some of the latest story lines where he has been involved have mellowed him too much as a villain (specially when he tried to impersonate Bruce Wayne during the RIP storyline.

#9:      Poison Ivy

  • I think the GOTHAM CITY SIRENS  mellowed Pamela quite a bit. Guess been in a poorly written series does that to your reputation.

#8:      Penguin

  • Now this is interesting.  Pengy has been in the sidelines for some time with no real relevant story line to his credit then ARKHAM CITY gives him quite a boost and along comes PENGUIN: PAIN AND PREJUDICE which I think does the character a favor.

#7:      Bane

#6:      Dr. Hurt

  • Newcomer to this list.  From the mind of Grant Morrison he could be Bruce’s father Thomas Wayne, or the devil himself, who knows, but what is true is that his efforts behind the cloud of  the BLACK GLOVE had been able to drive Batman crazy. He will return in 2012 for another storyline BATMAN: LEVIATHAN, so watch out for his new plans for the Batman and Gotham

#5:      Catwoman

  • Now this one was a surprise for me.  Selina has been sailing two ships simultaneously from Good Kitty to Feline Fatale, without making her mind yet.  I personally prefer her as a villain, I think her playing with the Bat and his heart makes for quite a story line.  Check her HOT SEXY NEW REBOOT in the New 52’s CATWOMAN SeriesThey have added some intersting angle to her relationship with the Bat. Did anybody saw the torrid romance in the first two issues?

#4:      Riddler

#3:      Two-Face

  • Personally seeing him so high on the list was another surprise.  I guess his new status in Gotham goes with the newly written stories and  ARKHAM CITY

#2:       Ra’s Al Ghul

  • Probably the only one I’m very happy to see this high on the list.  This is an almost immortal man with centuries old secrets, extraordinary wealth and power, and a very radical idea to destroy half the world to remake humanity into a “better world”  I think Hitler was in the same lines with this phylosophy.  Top that with the knowledge of Batman’s identity and you get a very dangerous man indeed.

#1:    THE JOKER

  • Is there ar surprise here?  I think not.  The Joker’s unpredictability and escalating insanity (If you thought Joker was crazy, just check out what he is willing to go through to evolve  into an even more dangerous presence in Gotham. Just look at the new DETECTIVE COMICS #1-4  storyline with the Dollmaker by Tony Daniels)
  • And I love Newsarama description of Joker

The best part is, though, that the Joker is always just one step removed from Batman. If he had taken one wrong turn, given in to one bad feeling, Bruce Wayne may have turned out very much like the Joker. And isn’t seeing a twisted reflection of yourself the scariest thing of all?


(See the original Newsarama article by Alber Ching and Lucas Siegel along with comments HERE).

Nov 142011

Ok, just finished reading my copy of The Batman Files….so much information to read and assimilate! And its all that was promised in previous reviews.

Yes. Matthew Manning has crafted this masterpiece by going through  exhaustive research to bring back Batman World’s of over 70 years and try to fit it in just over 300 pages covering Bruce Waynes life as the Batman since his sad beginnings after his parent’s death and covering the most important events in the Caped Crusader’s life

The book has an impeccably black matte guilding as well as a high-tech fabric cover, and has a magnetic clasp, depicting a chrome bat, to keep it all tidy by securing the contents. A simple dustcover shows an awesome negative picture drawn by David Finch and tthe presentation is just very attractive.

From the Batman’s own perspective, the volume includes everything from childhood pictures, “newspaper” reports, Arkham files (supposed to be classified) on all of the Gotham rogues as well as information on the Bat-family members (Oracle, Nightwitn, Jason Todd, Tim Drake) Batman’s allies, (Gordon, Lucius Fox, and others) and a comprehensive guide to the Batcave and all its secrets and gadgets.

Want to know what triggered the Bat costume?  Want to see a whole blueprint of the Batwing?  Want to see the early designs of the Robin costumes? Wants to explore the tumultous relationship between Talia and Bruce?  It is all here. From the technical data, to file pictures (copiled from innumerable comics and books) and even excerpts from Bruce’s own diary.

Whatever was not of public knowledge, has been ingeniously weaved with “additional” information and resources not available anywhere else making this a realistic and plausible copilation of the evolution of one of the most iconic figures of the DC Universe.

You’ll enjoy the batcave plans, the Bat-gyro and the Batwing schematics, an analysis of the development of the Batman mind set as well as Bruce’s evolution as a detective.  Most of all you will enjoy the Arkham Files Batman keeps on all his rogues (who knows how he got access to those) and the close watch Bruce keeps on his allies too.

The whole volume is a celebration of the Batman persona, and closes with information updated to the Batman’s death, the birth of the RED ROBIN and the evolution of Bruce’s vigilante to the pages of THE DARK KNIGHT.

Definitely it is a piece of memorabilia that will enrich every Batman fan out there.  My favorite parts was obviously the careful and complete coverage over all the rogues and especially Joker.  Very insighful, informative and fun to read, with literally hundreds of pictures to flesh the mythos even further.

I’ve heard that the First print of the book already sold out, but I don’t doubt that DC will soon produce either a second edition or a softcover version of this book. In the meantime, if you have the oportunity to get it, you will not regret it.  It is worth the investment.

In the meantime, I have included some previews on the book for your enjoyment, especially those pages that relate to Joker






Check out Barnes and Noble Editorial review:

Whether you think of him as Bruce Wayne or The Caped Crusader, Batman ignites the imagination. The truly spectacular Batman Files coffee-table giant qualifies as the ultimate treasure trove of this incomparable superhero. Beyond its high-tech fabric cover, complete with a stunning metallic Batman emblem lies a wealth of materials including Wayne’s childhood drawings, mementoes from Batman’s famous cases, news article, in-depth computer files, crime scene photographs, blueprints, schematics, documents about his enemies and friends, maps of Gotham City, and much, much more.

James Killen

Nov 142011

DC has announced that due to the inmense success of the ARKHAM CITY game, they are preparing a new comic series designed to expand on that universe with ARKHAM CITY UNHINGED, “a new, weekly digital exclusive that aims to flesh out the story behind the game” and available only digitally through DC’s COMIXOLOGY store. It literally “takes the toys in the video game and gives readers a new perspective and better idea of the moving parts that the player doesn’t get to see.”

Following is an excerpt from an interview done by CBR’s  Steven Sunu to series writer Derek Fridolfs:

CBR News: Derek, tell us about “Arkham Unhinged.” What’s the general plot and how does it connect with the “Arkham City” video game?

Derek Fridolfs: For those unfamiliar with the game, the idea is that the new mayor, Mayor Sharp, in association with Hugo Strange, has sectioned off an old part of Gotham with walls in order to house-in criminals from Arkham Asylum and Blackgate Prison, following some major riots and destruction that happened in the first “Arkham Asylum” game. It’s a chance to contain all of the criminals in one specific area [allowing them] to run free, as long as they don’t try to escape. It keeps Gotham safer that way — at least, that’s their intent when explaining this to the public. Bruce Wayne thinks otherwise, and decides to see for himself from inside the walls. So it’s one long night inside Arkham City as Batman investigates what’s really going on while trying to stop various things from happening.

“Arkham Unhinged” is complimentary to the Arkham City game. Now that the game is up and running, this is an ongoing, weekly, digital title that will have stories that are about what is going on in the game as well as backstories, motivations and further exploits in the Arkhamverse. It’s a chance to flesh out things maybe hinted at or not covered in the game, as well as focus on brand new stories off the beaten path and follow these characters more closely.

Anyone that’s played the game knows there’s a main storyline being told as well as side missions with various characters. There’s a whole lot there to play with, and this ongoing is a chance to leave no stone unturned. To get in there and play with all the villains as well as tell what is up with Batman and his family of heroes as the game takes place.

Within the timeline of the game, when does the book take place?

The previous “Arkham City” five-issue miniseries and the seven digital chapters [took place] in the months leading up to the opening of “Arkham City.” It helped lay the foundation for what happened following the Arkham Asylum breakout at the end of the first game, and show some of the characters who were involved leading up to the formation of a walled off section of Gotham called Arkham City. “Arkham Unhinged” takes place after that.

Judging by what we’ve seen so far, this book aims to really flesh out the conflict between Two-Face and Catwoman. Does it simply give a more detailed telling of the Arkham City story between the two characters that can be unlocked in the game, or is this something completely different?

[The “Arkham City”story] leads off the first storyline of “Unhinged.” The first few chapters actually give a bit of backstory about how Catwoman and Two-Face arrived in Arkham City, leading up to the confrontation that kicks off the opening scene in the game. From there, we’ll feature all sorts of other stories inside (and out) of Arkham City and what people are up to. Some might relate or tie-in to certain continuities of the game, but most are a chance to tell other stories and unique ideas and confrontations that don’t occur in the game.

Folks who have powered through the game know the motivation for Hugo Strange’s agenda. How does “Arkham Unhinged” help develop Strange’s character and further reveal the steps toward that motivation?

It’s a bit of a balancing act, working on this comic, as we’re trying not to spoil any major events that take place in the game — at least at first. You want to be able to allow game players and readers a chance to have some time to play the game and experience what is going on there without spoiling it in the comic. But in the months after the game has been out, we’ll be able to start delving deeper into the main story of the game and further flesh out Strange and what his main motivation is. You will find out he didn’t just come out of nowhere for “Arkham City,” that he’s been doing things behind-the-scenes since during the “Arkham Asylum” game and even before that.

One of the great things about “Arkham City” is the inclusion of so many characters from the Batman mythos. Can readers expect a similar cast of characters for “Unhinged?”

Oh, definitely. That really is one of the best things, that I get a full toybox to play with. Most of Batman’s rogues gallery are in the game, and we’re going to have a chance to go through and have stories that cover most, if not all of them. There’s a lot of crossover as well, with rivalries and vendettas. It’s no surprise that after Arkham City opens, most of the villains have splintered off into their own sections of town and their own gangs. Some are interested in acquiring more power and territory, some are just trying to survive, some want to break out and some are happier now that they’re inside and left alone. I’m looking forward to getting my hands on as many of them as possible, whether they were heavily featured in the game or not.

“Arkham Unhinged” is being released exclusively through the comiXology digital platform. Why do you think this is a good way to reach readers that might be interested in continuing the “Arkham City” storyline?

The game reaches a lot of fans, both in gaming and fans of Batman in general. These are people used to their entertainment being digital, so I think it only makes sense to tap into that market and maybe introduce those fans to comics by way of this game. The fans of the game have been anticipating “Arkham City’s” release for quite some time, and are really invested in it, eating up as much info as they can and chatting about it on message boards. The digital comics (as well as the hardcover release) have been very successful for that audience. “Unhinged” is a way to continue that, for people to read more about the Arkhamverse as they continue to play and discover the game. And for fans of comics, maybe even those that have yet to try digital, we hope this is enticing. 10 page chapters, released weekly, for 99 cents each. By today’s standards, it’s a real bargain, and we hope people will come back each week to get their fix.

The earlier Digital Exclusives were later collected into a single print issue offered as a preorder bonus for the game from At present, are there plans for a similar collection for “Arkham Unhinged?”

Don’t forget, most of the digital exclusives were also collected into the hardcover of the “Arkham City” miniseries collection. As far as collecting “Unhinged,” at this point it’s digital. I leave it up to DC to decide where it goes from there. But with most of these things, if it’s popular enough, it’ll eventually get collected in some form or another.

Here is a preview:


 (Original article “Fridolfs crafts Batman Unhinged” can be read HERE!!)

Nov 142011

I am used to the large multi-day conventions with thousands of things to do and see, and sometimes forget how nice the atmosphere are in these smaller one day conventions.  That is what happened with the TAMPA BAY COMIC CON I attended this past Sunday 13, 2011.  It is small, hardly 100 tables and lots of fun.  Saw Darth Vader and Joker.  Met some wonderful artists, and made good acquaintances. I’ll definitely would do this again…

When I saw Joker around I knew I had to snap a picture of my lovely clown


Even Selina showed up for the party:


Here are a few pics from some friends from a galaxy far, far away: Just so you know, the Darth Vader dude towered at an impressive six foot something, and his costume was very detailed including the breathing sounds that played constantly.


And what I bought at the convention: Two special edition Joker cards and one special edition 25th anniversary Wolverine figure. Also bought a copy of the novelization of INFINITE CRISIS by Brian Cox.


Even got some Joker art by Elliott Fernandez.


Nov 142011

This is probably somewhat old, but I was able to get a good link to Harley’s lullaby at the end of Arkham City.  Could this be a clue as to the third (and possibly last) installment of the game?  Another of those enigmatic little clues, our friends at Rocksteady are famous for (like the plans for Arkham City revealed back in Arkham Asylum.  Click on the link to listen (Lullaby starts at the :50 mark).


Nov 082011

…and I thought that the Joker picture was just hilarious?  Definitely something Joker would be…ehem…wearing, but…what the heck is he doing with the goat?  Only Joker knows….

Here is the preview from DC UNIVERSE



Nov 072011

Hey guys, more friends sharing their links with me.  Look what CN is cooking in their pot.  A new BATGIRL SHOW!  Well if it’s in Gotham, there will be a chance that Joker might guest star once or twice no?  Here is the trailer for your enjoyment.

Nov 072011

It’s obvious by now that I’m a great fan of Tony Daniels and his art and when he’s involved in some Joker work, I love him even more.  Here he is kind enough to share a page of pencil art from the upcoming DETECTIVE COMICS.  Please enjoy and don’t forget to thank him for sharing.  Look at this beauty:
