Apr 142012

Newsarama shared a page from the new digital comic AME-COMI GIRLS.  Personally I have the figure of Harley Quinn from the series (for pictures please visit the Joker’s Museum, Harley Quinn Action Figure wing) and have to say that I find the new anime-inspired versions quite refreshing but from there to developing a whole new series based on these characters?  Come on, as if we did not have enough DC universe already on the shelves.  I think the reception to this new series will be somewhat lukewarm unless the writing is SUPERB…and I don’t know if DC can accomplish that here.  We’ll see.  I promise to buy the first issue and give you guys my opinion in the meantime…enjoy the preview page


While DC’s familiar female characters are clearly wearing a whole new wardrobe in the new Ame-Comi Girls comics, they’re also being marketed with a whole new approach.

Beginning in May, Ame-Comi Girls, based on the popular manga-inspired collectibles DC has been selling the past few years, will be released as a weekly series every Monday. That release schedule breaks the traditional release schedule of American superhero comics, which normally come out monthly on Wednesdays.

Gray, who’s co-writing the comics with his frequent collaborator, Jimmy Palmiotti, is excited by the prospect of being involved in a digital-first comic that comes out on different days. “Why not? I keep saying how important the digital landscape is to reaching a wider, and hopefully younger, audience that both embraces the new format and is unencumbered by a ‘been there seen that’ familiarity with the comic industry,” he said. “Eventually everyone of every age is going to have access to apps and the importance of giving comics a strong cultural hold on the digital market seems imperative to the growth of the industry.”

(Reprints Newrama report: It’s a new day and age for Ame-Comic Girls HERE)

Mar 152012

I have had a few questions about the fan art gallery and wanted to refresh the requirements to have your Joker art included in this blog. They are stated on my fanart loading page (under galleries):

1. This gallery is for Joker art only in any form and medium. Please do not submit any other type of art to this site. (By Joker art, I also refer to any Harley art, especially if it  has Joker in the page)

2. If you are not registered, email me directly the pictures (the email is on my welcome page) and please include titles and any info you want put along with the pictures. If you plan on adding much more in the future  I recommend you register so I can grant you permission to upload to the site.

2.5.  Any sexually explicit material should be labeled as such and will be clearly labeled when uploaded to the gallery.

3.  If you want, also inlclude a mini bio to tell everybody  who you are, why you like to draw Joker and any link to art sites with some of your art.

4. Single art pieces will be uploaded to the 01 JOKERFAN GALLERY which is organized alphabetically by artist.

5.  If an artist submit 5 or more pieces at one time, will be granted a personal gallery to exhibit his Joker art

6.  All art is open to comment, critique or just admire by users of this blog

Jan 182012

That is what I found out as I was reading SUICIDE SQUAD #04 and #05 (yeah, I know I’m a little behind in my reading) and have to say that though I was not impressed with the ‘new’ Harley, this looks promising. This new Harley is nothing like its BTAS or comic book counterpart (though the one on Batman #663 was pretty close), because that one though obviously in love with her pudding, willing to go the extra mile for him, was never so…RUTHLESS.

This Harley can kill with ease…something that comes in handy when your boyfriend is a psychotic mass murderer like the Joker.  More than once, she has shown that she can take whomever stands on her way, but how far is she REALLY willing to go?  That is the question that I think would define Harley in future issues as the new story arc stared in issue #4 with Harley’s realization that Joker might be dead. And we finally have a taste of what Harley is capable of in issue #5 when she is the brains behind the riot. It really doesn’t matter that that many people die as long as it serves her purpose of providing a smoke screen for her escape.

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The look in her eyes is foretelling…and you can almost taste the irony in her words:


“Focus, yeah…Cosider me VERY focused right now.”


She is indeed focused, but no longer on the mission at hand but the news of Joker’s death, and you can see her interest shifting.  She needs to find the truth about Joker’s whereabout.  I personally don’t like the idea of DC Editors keeping these two coming at each other again and again, but I can understand the boost in sales when they do.  Everybody loved the BTAS Harley, always by her Joker and exploring this relationship, but on the lights of the new 52 reboot Harley is quite differnt and more interesting as a character.  I like her taking the initiative in the nearly-sex scene between her and Deadshot.  She obviously has eyes for other men rather than just her pudding, and I’m glad to see that explored.

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And we finally have a taste of what Harley is capable of in issue #5 when she is the brains behind the riot. It really doesn’t matter that that many people die as long as it serves her purpose of providing a smoke screen for her escape. Oh, and look how she puts a smile on everybody’s faces as her trademark.  Can’t wait for issue #6…..
