The buzz is out that WB is acquiring domains with the name Arkham because there are plans of expanding the game with a new Pre-Arkham Asylum game depicting Batman and Joker’s first encounter as well a movie based on the acclaimed game series.
So far it only a rumor, but the move from the WB staff makes this quite suspicious and rises the question:
If they DO make a movie from the Arkham Asylum or Arkham City games, would Mark Hamill (who has officially retired from the character) come back to reprise his incredible and memorable role?
Personally, I hope so. He started the series, there can’t be any other Joker for this series than him. Let’s see how these news develop. In the meantime, read the news excerpt:
Cosmic Book News was the first to tell you about plans for a DC movie universe with the Man of Steel spearheading it all as well as the Justice League movie in 2015 and a Batman reboot tentatively set for 2016.

Regarding the Batman reboot, one detail we were told was that it was being “thrown around” that the movie might be based on the popular Batman: Arkham Asylum video game, and that this would be set in the same world as the Justice League movie.
Now, interestingly enough, we learn that Warner Bros. is apparently registering a number of domains with the name “Arkham.” put it together that Arkham websites are being registered through MarkMonitor, a private domain registrant that Warner Bros. has used most recently on the likes of the 300 sequel.
Some of the domains include: “BatmanArkhamLegend(s),” “BatmanArkhamUniverse,” “DarkKnightArkham” and more.
Of course, it’s also quite possible Warner Bros. is registering these for the third “Arkham” video game as well, which has been said to be a prequel starring the Justice League and featuring Batman’s first meeting with the Joker and a story set in the Silver Age i.e. the 1950s.
(Reprinted from COSMIC BOOKNEWS posted by Mat McGloin 1-12-2013)
This clearly follows up from COSMIC BOOKNEWS orignal report back in September 2012:
…We’re told there are some “mumblings” around Warner Bros. that they may want the Batman reboot (tentatively scheduled for 2016) based on the popular Batman: Arkham Asylum video game, and that this would be set in the same world as the Justice League movie.
We’re told DC Entertainment have thought long and hard about having several different universes, but through the success of Marvel, have decided that it wouldn’t make sense to the audience and financially to have numerous actors playing the same roles year by year.
Now if the rumor is true and Warner Bros. does indeed go forth with a new Batman movie based on Arkham Asylum, that brings with it some rather interesting questions.
First off all, the obvious inclusion of the Joker. This would certainly bring up reference to Heath Ledger in Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight. So would Warner Bros. go with it? It could be said that the Joker is a Batman villain, the Batman villain, in addition, the Nolan-verse was its own thing and is over. There is also the fact the added hype having the Joker “come back” would give to the movie. Interestingly enough, the Joker is to make his first appearance in the new DC comic books next month by Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo. We already know the Man of Steel movie executives have a hand in the Superman comic books, so it’s not that far of a stretch to think the same about the New 52 Batman.
(Orignal article: Mat McGloin 09-12-2012. To read the original article visit COSMIC BOOKNEWS site HERE)