Jun 282012

Fellow Jokerholics,

If you have noticed that I am not posting as often as I was, please know that it is for a good reason.  I recently realized that THE JOKER’S LAIR was going to celebrate its first anniversary pretty soon and decided it was time for a change.  New theme, with new sections (and old ones too) will be soon available at this site.  And because I am totally out of my mind, I will hold a few contests and yes, there will be winners  and they will be rewarded for their dedication to this site.  Thank my boss for all the insanity, because Joker loves his fans. 

Please keep on the alert, as I will be announcing changes to this site soon.  Hope you guys like what I have in storage for your all….!


Jan 012012

This is my first post of the new year.  I hope every single Jokerholic in this world had a wonderful holiday season and that the year ahead is filled with wonderful joys and dreams come true.

Personally, reflecting on the past year, it’s been kind of rough on me.  Trying to balance my work as a veterinarian, my father’s sickness and the other businesses that have kept me away at times from what I love doing most, like this site or writing more Joker has been really tough.  But here I am, and I will be bringing you all those wonderful Joker news you’ve enjoyed this past year all through 2012 as well.

For those of you wondering, I have not gone away.  I’m just posting slightly less often so I have a chance to revamp this site a litte more.  Make it more…chaotic and fun, just for you all.  New surprises are on their way, new additions, content modification, maybe even some contests, and hopefully more interaction with my friends and the fans of this site.  I love hearing from you all in case you need to know. For now, you just sit back and relax.  It will all come in due time.

The first thing of order was to re-structure the Joker museum.  It had become a really disorganized list of … stuff.  I’m working right now in the new wings of the museum, putting things where they belong;  grouping items, gathering history, so you all can find what you want and enjoy the content.

I am also expanding the picture collection.  Some of us like the BTAS Joker, others like TDK, others like the older Joker.  Well, I hope to have a decent collection of pics from all the existing Jokers posted up soon.  So far, BTAS and TDK are almost done and are up, so please take a look and enjoy.

The list of other new things I have planned for the site is long and tedious, so I am not going to bore you all with itat the moment.  Just hope you will enjoy them as they come and PLEASE…I ANY OF YOU JOKERHOLICS HAS AN IDEA TO COLABORATE TO IMPROVE THE SITE, PLEASE SHARE IT.  We’ll all benefit from each others idea.