Nov 122011

LordJazor found this great drawing that summarizes my feelings about Joker’s participation on the DC REBOOT so far so I wanted to share it with the Jokerholics of the world (I’m still waiting for a miracle to happen DC!!).  I would really like to know where they are going with my clown, but I guess we’ll have to sit and wait.  Luckily we we’ll not be disappointed…right?  (*prays*)

Note: Don’t know the original artist, but my apologies for modifying the text a little.  Please contact me to credit your image.


  2 Responses to “Joker and the DC REBOOT…food for thought…!”

  1. LMAO… my thoughts exactly. That’s almost the only glimpse we’ve gotten of the Joker… was in that first issue. Well… that and a small pic of him from Harleys Flashback in Suicide Squad.

  2. Wicked The look Of The Joker Look Horiby Freaky Enough To Fit In DCUO Ha!

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