Feb 042012

jokeryoungjusticeSome time ago I brought to you the Joker’s first appearance of  in the YOUNG JUSTICE series.  Back then I said (and I reaffirm what I said)  that though Mr. Brent Spiner (Data from Star Trek The Next Generation)  is no Mark Hamill, I don’t doubt he has the talent to fill in the shoes of the Clown Prince of Crime’s voice.  Part of the problem in that first appearance was that the script wrote for Joker in that particular episode was poorly conceived, but…

…Anyways, given that the series can be better written, I want to say that Mr. Spiner also needs to work a little bit on entonation and purpose of the voice (kind of understanding what makes Joker tic).  And above all, he has to WORK ON THE LAUGHTER.

Joker’s laughter’s is just chilling.  When you hear him laugh, you should know nothing good is coming from this clown.  Yes, he is charming, but he is also scary. His laughter will make you soil your pants…  I have an example here and though I have to admit that my friend LORDJAZOR’s dubbing sounds like Hamill (his talent with the Joker voice), the whole point of the comparison is to show what a little change in mood and purpose of the voice actor can do to the presence of a character on the screen.  JUST…LISTEN…





NOW…..Which one sounds better?  I know the answer, do you?  I’m sure Mr. Spiner has  time to get it right.


Other  posts I’ve made regarding LORDJAZOR’S Joker can be found HERE, HERE and HERE .

And a million thanks to LORDJAZOR for dubbing this  for the fans ( and it helped me since I was dying to write this little note).  You can hear more of LORDJAZOR’s voice magic on his YouTube channel HERE

  5 Responses to “Joker in YOUNG JUSTICE needs a VOICELIFT… Listen to this.”

  1. And also, for reference, Brent Spiner played Data on Star Trek.

    Yes, Data is the voice of the Joker in Young Justice. Just… wrap your mind around that a second. Kinda brain-breaking, isn’t it?

  2. Wow, “LORDJAZOR” is awesome! He should call the Network channel for work. Or the Rocksteady studios. Or anywhere, where Joker is involved.

    Thanks for the post!

    • Yes, he is a very talented voice actor (wonder what they are waiting to hire him already) and I am honored to count him among my friends. Thanks you for commenting on the post . *bows*

  3. I posted a drawing on my DA page that has a better look too. Unfortunetly It’s not inked or colored, but I made a better design. http://TroyandFriends.deviantart.com/art/YJ-Joker-Re-Designed-280857939

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