May 072012

Joker wonders why  Spiderman and not him gets a reboot on the big scree,  when he made a million times more money than Spidey’s last movies.  This clown just wants some more screen time…he has earned it.



  One Response to “Just for Giggles: What Joker thinks about the new Spiderman Reboot”

  1. Also, that Spidey doll dances. And. Sings.


    … Marvel, why do you do this to your characters? I like your stuff too – I’m a Webhead as well as a Bat-fan, and the Avengers film was the shit – but why the cutesy Itsy-Bitsy Spider-Man? I feel the same about the cutesy little drive-along cars DC’s characters have with a little Batman and a little Joker and you can race the little Batman and Joker and… Okay, that actually is kinda cute. :3

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