Nov 042012

Within the next few weeks (and maybe months since I have a very busy schedule in my real life) you will see a few things changing in this site as it slowly morphs into the the NEW and (I hope) IMPROVED Joker’s Lair.  If you see sections disappear that you must have in order to survive…please drop me a note and let me know. Sadly, some sections are destined to be gone, others to be remodeled, but I listen to the followers of the blog too, so don’t hesitate to contact me with your comments and ideas (as well as suggestions).

The new Joker’s Lair is gonna be full of surprises.

Now, sorry for any inconveniences that this might cause.

  4 Responses to “Remodeling of THE JOKER’S LAIR has begun…”

  1. S’okay. As long as the fanart section remains in Joker’s Lair 2.0, I’m cool with it. And if you do add a fanfic section I’d be happy to moderate, give advice to newer Jokerfic authors, etc. Been writing this stuff for almost nine years now.

    • I will be thinking that one a little bit longer. As you know I have been wriiting Joker for a long time too and was thinking about the Fanfic section for the new site, but I am not sure yet. It will be good to have like a Joker fanfic bibliography thingy, but don’t want have too much on my plate that I will not be able to deliver good to the fans. My time is a little bit limited these days with work and the such and as much as I love Joker, some things have a priority.

      We can keep in touch with each other in this matter since you are willing to help and moderate a fanfic section. Thanks a million Fishie!

    • Oh, and don’t worry…the fan art section WILL REMAIN…

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