Jan 142013

Someone online took the time to merge images of ALL THREE MOVIE JOKERS into one photoshoped picture and shared it in the world.

Personally, don’t know what to say about this…weird version, I personally like EACH ONE in its own historical as well as cinematographic context. After all, they all have their own merits.

Meanwhile, here is what this hybrid Joker would look like:












Just mix in a Mark Hamill soundtrack and the transformation is complete…

(Original picture from www.unleashthefanboy.com, and posted HERE

  One Response to “Cesar Romero + Heath Ledger + Jack Nicholson= One Weird Joker”

  1. Dear Diary,

    Today I woke up, went to class, then came home and saw this. My day is now complete. I’m going back to bed now because there’s nothing else that could possibly make this day better.

    Yours truly,


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