Jun 172013

arkhamoriginjoker01I found a full ARKHAM ORIGINS DEMO WALKTHROUGH that was shown at E3 this year and has a little more footage on the Joker, plus more graphics from the actual playgame.  Joker footage starts with the Penthouse cinematics at 14:59 and runs for almost two minutes. Mr. Baker is really doing an amazing job trying to fill such large shoes and he’s not disappointing.

(I still can’t believe this guy was Batman’s/TwoFace/Brainiac voice for the LEGO BATMAN 2 movie)

The whole playable demo walkthrough is a real treat though, so feel free to watch it from the beginning…ENJOY

(Video courtesy of ARKHAMCITIVIDEOS at YouTUBE)

  2 Responses to “ARKHAM ORIGINS Demo Walkthrough and More Joker at E3”

  1. Why am I the only one who comments?

    • Don’t know the answer to that, my friend, but I am very happy to hear your thoughts on the subject. Every Jokerholic is welcome to leave his mark in this site. Thanks for leaving your comments. 🙂

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