Jul 182013

When she was a regular in the old DC, they tried to give her a new image and more independence as a character with her own comic book series from 2001 to 2003 that included creative talents from Karl Kesel, Terry Dodson, A.J. Lieberman, and Mike Huddleston.  The original series was not too impressive, failing dramatically on releasing the inner talents of this character.

Now with the New52 revamped Harley Quinn (from her skimpy outfit, white skin,  and strange hair color scheme) and new origin thanks to the Joker himself who threw her into a vat of chemicals to make her at his image, they seem ready to give Harley another chance to go solo. Here is the promo pic from our friends at CBR.


This time the team ahead of the new comic book run are no other than so well know comic book couple of Jimmy Palmiotti and Amanda Conner.  Maybe this new try of DC to finally give Harley the place she has earned in the Batman mythos will prove more successul than its predecessor.  That is something that has to be seen, but the new creative team are no amateurs and I think have a much better grasp of the character than did the first series.

Now please forgive my cold indiference at this time, but I will just sit and wait until the first issue comes out and check it out before thowing out any personal opinion on the subject (and that is because I am biased by the failure of the previous attempts).  I personally think she lost after issue #1 a lot of what made her such a success in the TV series.  So I will clear my mind now of the past because I want to address this re-launch with a new fresh mind.

In this promo pic (or tease) of the new series, hints that it  will obviously include Joker as part of the series, as they will try to explore the strange relationship that led to Dr. Quinzel on becoming Harley Quinn (just hoping they don’t dwell on the subject too long and give her a good deal of space to grow as a unique and independent character.  I believe she has a very strong potential to do it on her own with the direction of a great writer, editor and artist.  We’ll see.

 (Picture courtesy of CBR and source material courtesy of GIANTBOMB.COM)

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